Riverside Loan Modification Attorney – Foreclosures Level Off as Homeowners Turn to Loan Modification

This week the L.A. Times reported that foreclosures are down from a year ago, and holding steady month-to-month throughout the U.S.

An expert quoted in the article, CoreLogic executive Anand Nallathambi, said, “Since the foreclosure inventory is also coming down, this suggests that loan modifications, short sales, deeds-in-lieu are increasingly being used as an alternative to foreclosures to clear distressed assets in our communities.”

De Novo Law Firm is seeing the same trends as more clients are granted loan modifications than ever before.  Through a loan modification, De Novo Law Firm can negotiate lower monthly payments, reduce principal balance, and extend loan terms to help keep you in your home.  Read about our successful loan modifications with Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase.